Roofing Insulation: A Brief Introduction

What is roof insulation? What are the different types of roof insulation? And what are the benefits of adding better insulation? These are the questions we will briefly cover in this article.

Understanding What Roof Insulation Is

Have you ever wondered what roof insulation is? It’s basically some stuff that goes into the roof to keep it warm in winter and cool in summer. Though not many people know how it works, they do know that it pretty much seems to be the only thing standing between them and shivering inside their freezing cold house in winter.

Roof insulation is one of the most important and underrated features of every home. Not only does it help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but it’s also responsible for keeping your energy costs down.

If your home has poor insulation, you’re bound to notice your energy costs skyrocket. That’s why it’s important to consult with a reputable roofing company about what type of roof insulation system is best for your home.

Understanding the Different Types of Roof Insulation

There are many different types and grades of roof insulation available on the market today. The most commonly used insulation types are polyurethane foam, batt insulation, fibreglass, and spray-on foam.

You may see terms like these thrown around:

  • Synthetic Fiber Batts
  • Cellulose Blown-in Blanket
  • Fiberglass Batts
  • Liquid-applied Liquid Foam
  • Expanded Polystyrene EPS Rigid Foam Boards
  • Polyisocyanurate

The Benefits of Installing New Roof Insulation in Your Home

If your home has old, drafty insulation, you may be paying more than you need to on your energy bills. Installing new insulation in your roof can improve energy efficiency, saving you money on your energy bills. It also helps to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

That said, it’s essential to keep in mind that not all home insulation is created equal. Some people install insulation that isn’t up to the task. This can result in a reduction in energy efficiency, which in turn means that your home isn’t protected as well as it could be. If you want to make your roof as energy efficient as possible, it’s crucial to invest in high-quality insulation.

Takeaway: Installing roof insulation is a critical step when building or renovating homes. Is yours insulated?